Counterfeit products are a fake of dubious quality that can destroy brand credibility. Some falsifications can even threaten human health. If the consumer faced with a poor-quality product that acts like a brand name - he will either not make the next purchase, or he will do it with caution. This is all because he has a negative experience with this brand.
On their resources in the “Partners” or “Our Clients” sections, fraudsters point to well-known brands, that they have never had. They intentionally violate the law by seeking protection of the company's trademark. So they use the trust of users to well-known brands, strengthen their reputation and sell their products and services.
Also, some distributors and sellers may violate brandbook requirements, sell goods in unofficial channels and ignore contract terms. Difficult to control the fulfillment of all requirements, if there are many partners.
By ignoring different ways to protect trademark rights, a brand runs the risk of becoming a victim of an offender. Then the user receives a poor service or product and experiences the same negative experience. Trust in the original brand may be lost.
Sudum organized in such a way that it finds offers of counterfeit goods manufacturers and stores the online channels that the product distributes and thus detects unofficial stores and offenders. To do this, we process the data of all popular resources. We help reduce the amount of illegal online sales that will save the number of consumers of products and their loyalty to the brand.
The Sudum team is ready to help you solve any copyright-related issues and offer professional counselling.