Brand protection is essential for business security

What could be a threat to brands?

How do we work

The Sudum 24/7 system monitors tens of thousands of online resources

Detect violations

Counteraction of copyright infringers, bypassing legal services

Đ—Pirate links found
Take off the offense

We know how to protect the brand and prevent fraud on the Internet that can happen to your brand. Resolving violations aimed at legal protection of the brand is divided into 80/20, where 80% is a pre-trial solution, and 20% is judicial. In the case of court decisions, we legally accompany the legal protection of trademark owners and help solve the problem.

What you get as a result

Increase profits

Protecting a brand and a trademark - that is, a pirate source pool - does not allow your users to migrate to third-party sources. The likelihood that they will face counterfeit products is decreasing.

Đ—Pirate links found
Brand reputation has been preserved

Knowing ways to protect a trademark, we reduce the number of illegal pages, the amount of false information, and reduce the use of copyright objects. So the probability of a reputation threat automatically disappears.

Links deleted from Google search index
Stable traffic

When on the way from the request to the legal page of the brand there are no fraudulent sites - the user will not get lost on the road. Thus, traffic is not lost and remains stable.